When’s the last time you checked in to be sure your morning ritual is healthy and productive? Adopting a morning ritual might sound unimportant, but most of your day is determined based on how you start your morning. 

If you start your day off with negative self-talk or thoughts about what’s going wrong in the world or how stressed you are, then chances are you’ll hold that bad mood throughout the day. 

On the contrary, starting your morning intentionally with rituals that make you feel inspired, calm or motivated can have a big positive impact on the rest of your day. It can help you live a more balanced, stress-free life which affects everything from your mental and physical health, relationships and overall productivity.

That’s why it’s so important to find a morning ritual that works for you and helps you start each day in the right way.

Personally, there was a time that I struggled with waking up early because I thought my sleep was more precious than a calm morning. I would rush to work often without breakfast – just a cup of tea and made it just in time, never late! All because waking half an hour earlier was not worth reducing my sleep time. Those days are long gone and now when I think about that time I wonder how I functioned. And how unhealthy that was for my system. The point is that anyone can change and get out of bad habits once you take stock of what needs to change, as I did.  Even though bad habits can be developed over years, you can work to master new morning rituals for a positive day.

I want to share some morning rituals that will inspire you to create some new habits of your own. These new morning habits will help you enjoy a happier day. By being intentional with your morning rituals, you’re saying yes to happiness and health.

Tried and Tested Morning Rituals

Get Creative

Some of us are more creative at night than in the morning, so this morning ritual is best for those of you who tend to be creative in the morning hours. Make it a regular practice that you do something to let your creativity shine each morning. You can color, draw, write, or whatever else within the creative niche to help you use your creativity to start your day off right. 

I love to create my social media content in the mornings (in batches of 3-6 in 30-45 minutes). It’s fun because I can literally do this on my phone and it’s something I really enjoy. It relaxes me and by the end of it I feel I’ve accomplished something which gives me a morning boost!

Practice Gratitude

Start a gratitude journal where you’ll write down something you’re grateful for each morning. This morning ritual can also be done at night to drift off into a deep slumber. There are many different gratitude journals online for sale, choose one that resonates with you. Personally, I use a notebook and try to write in it every day with intention. I’ve done this every morning for many years and it gives clarity, purpose and is a great tool to get your thoughts out of your head – which clears the mind like nothing else.

I now do this at the end of the day just to take stock of my day but this was part of my morning routine for many years.


You don’t have to do an extensive workout every morning, but one morning ritual I love is Yoga. Twenty Sun Salutations get my happy hormones running strong so I feel positive and calm all day. It gets the circulation going, stretches the body and fixes my posture.  

These are just some of my favorite morning rituals I highly advise you try to implement in your daily life. Creating new morning ritual habits will ensure you start living your best life.