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Nadda Adamjee
Who am I?
I’m Nadda Adamjee, a marketing strategist for women entrepreneurs. I love all forms of design, illustration and creative marketing, so making specialized content, processes and strategies to help businesses succeed is both challenging and exciting for me!
I started NADDA STUDIO to serve creative women — creative businesswomen like fashion or jewelry designers, bloggers, stylists, makeup artists, illustrators or digital artists and yoga or wellness professionals.
What’s this Place?
This is Nadda Studio, where you can get products and services designed especially for creatives by creatives. You can also book a Zoom meeting to discuss how we can serve you with bespoke projects for your specific marketing or design needs. We aim to provide value so that working with us is a no-brainer for you and your business.
Nadda Studio saves time for women like you, so you don’t need to be on your laptop 24/7. If you want to get your time back so you can spend it with your loved ones or at the spa without any guilt because you know everything’s already taken care of, then book a meeting today!
Why Should You Care?
I know when you started your business you wanted flexibility and freedom yet now your business takes more time than you ever imagined. Let’s face it, you can’t switch off at 5 or 6 pm any more because you wear multiple hats and do a lot of work! Even things you never had to do before and probably dislike! You’re a quick learner and great at what you do. I know you do what’s required but at what cost to you and your business?
Costs aren’t just financial; you can have health or spiritual costs too. What about the cost to your loved ones? If you’re not present for them, it’s costing all of you.
If you really want to save time, you need to set the intention first!
Everything takes time and even the smallest tasks add up. If you really want to change this, then NADDA STUDIO can help you save time. Time you could use doing the things you love. Think about what you could do if you could save an hour a day. That’s 5 hours a week and 20 hours a month!
Even though you don’t enjoy doing tedious tasks, you do it because hiring a VA is either too expensive or if they’re affordable, they’re not very good and need time for training. Which isn’t a bad thing but you don’t have time to train people! You barely have time…
Sound familiar? Schedule a Zoom meeting to see how you can save time!

With my Family
Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question to expand the answer.
Is It True You’re from a Different Country; So How’s Your Experience Relevant to My Business / Country / Region?
Yes, it’s true, I’m a Pakistani Canadian and most of my fashion design experience is from a business based in Pakistan. Yet I supplied to 6 stores and 5 of them were not in Pakistan! 3 were in Canada, 1 in the UK and 1 in the UAE, which means I know what it takes to sell in an international market and in a very competitive industry. It also demonstrates my understanding of B2B and B2C communication. If anything, It also shows that my business had a successful marketing strategy as it ranked #1 on Google and on Facebook for the fashion category in that region (South Asia) for a number of years! This demonstrates knowledge and understanding of digital marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
What Can You Do for My Marketing?
I can help you figure out your strategies: opt-ins, email marketing, social media marketing, sales page copy, product descriptions, copy for email sequences. More importantly I can help you figure out what you need and what you don’t need. Design and marketing are never one style fits all yet that’s what everyone promotes. You and our business are unique. Let’s work together to see what you really need and whether we’re a good fit for each other.
How Come You Have Thousands of Facebook Followers On Your Page?
The Nadda Studio Facebook page started years ago during my fashion design days. Most of these followers are fans of my fashion brand and the magazine style content I shared which was highly engaging. The numbers have dwindled from 126,000 to 83,000 in the last 4 years because after I closed my fashion business and moved to Canada, I was unclear about my future and neglected the group for a long time. However, I upgraded my education and tried to find my next passion… and here I am!
How Can I Work with You? Or I’m Loving This! What Should I Do Next?
We set up a free Zoom meeting and talk about your areas of struggle, budget and whether you want a quick fix or a focused strategy. If we are the right fit, I offer you options based on your answers. You select what works for you and I send you an email with the details and payments options.
Wanna Know More About Me?
I’ll keep it simple and random with these 11 fun facts.
- I’m originally from Karachi, Pakistan but I spent early childhood in Libya and my teens and twenties in London, England. This is where my love for design began.
- My nickname is Nikki, which means small or tiny in Punjabi — I was a petite child.
- Writing is my other love and I wrote stories and essays for my parents from age 6–7 onwards. I wanted to be a writer.
- I’ve travelled to 30 countries so far. I love traveling because interacting with people is the best way to learn about a culture and their lifestyle.
- I started selling online through eBay, between 2000–2003. It taught me the importance of accurate product descriptions, great product photography and the power of reviews!
- I’m highly intuitive and can read people’s energies.
- I hate (strong feelings) fast fashion and large manufacturers because they treat workers who make their products like modern day slaves and don’t take responsibility just because they’re not directly employed by them!
- I never shared and still don’t share my glass, spoon or fork with anyone — I think it’s gross!
- I’ve been scared of lizards since childhood and can’t be in the same room as one!
- I love history, especially art history because anyone can find out about a culture, its traditions, people, costumes and beliefs through art.
- My first job was inside Westminster Library in London at age 15 — I thought I’d be able to read anything I wanted. I was sadly wrong!

A few of my fashion designs